Pretty easy! 4 tips for a quick meal with lots of vegetables

4 tips for a quick and easy meal with vegetables


Do you have that feeling too? You want to go for that healthy lunch or have a healthy evening meal on the table but you just do not feel like making it. Do you feel like cheating by getting a take-a-way or grabbing a ready-to... Read more

Spiralize noodles spaghetti vegetables

How to make vegetable noodles


Making noodles with vegetables is very trendy right now and because it's a healthy option - a welcome trend! The advantages of making 'spaghetti' out of vegetables like zucchini or carrot are endless. They are suitable for... Read more

Healthy suggestions for high tea

How do you organise a healthy high tea?


Are you thinking about organising a 'high' tea for your family or friends, but don't want it to be too sweet? Make the most delicious high tea's full of flavour that will be very colourful and healthy.... Read more

Tips to use edible flowers

Cooking with edible flowers, how do they taste and which ones to try


Edible flowers are a pleasure to look at and delicious to eat. They brighten the plate, make a dish more festive and add beautiful colours and shapes. There are dozens of flowers you can eat, in this blog I'll... Read more

Set the Scene for Summer

Set the Scene for Summer


Summer, a time to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family when grilling season finally comes back into play. A time when seasonal produce starts growing strong and the farmers markets are far from scarce. There’s nothing... Read more

Signature salad with radish

Make a statement with your signature salad


Have you ever wondered why your Grandma’s homemade apple pie tastes so good? And no matter how many times you try, you can never make it as good. The truth is, it’s because she’s been perfecting her recipe for years. A lifetime... Read more

Hoe bewaar je verse kruiden?

How to preserve fresh herbs?


There's no herb storage method that can retain the flavour of fresh herbs, but if you find yourself with more than you can possibly use, there are some methods that will work. Drying them in the microwave or oven is a great... Read more

Beetroot makes a comeback in these three salads

Beetroot makes a comeback in these three salads


Have you ever ordered a hamburger from the local take-away shop in Australia and discovered a slice of pickled beetroot wedged in between the tomato, lettuce and beef patty? Bite into this quintessential Aussie burger or salad... Read more

unlikely vegetables to try, salad, fennel, zucchini, chicory, radish

5 unlikely vegetables to try in your next salad


Stay true to the vibrant and versatile nature of salads by incorporating new and exciting vegetables into your cooking. Every ingredient brings different flavours, textures and colours to a salad, so change up your salad... Read more

Joy to the world - it's party time!

Joy to the world - it's party time!


I love the holiday season! It’s such a joyful time of year, filled with work Christmas parties, school gatherings, family get-togethers, catch-ups with friends we haven’t seen in awhile – the list is endless!My favorite parties... Read more
