Almost a shame to eat this piece of melon art...
Cut the melon in half and remove the seeds. Then cut the melon in 16 half circles. Take 4 plates and put two semicircles (4 pieces) of Piel de Sapo melon in the middle of the plate, the cucumber slices next and then the back of the melon. Place 3 tomato slices on top of each plate and crumble the goat cheese and sprinkle over the tomato. Mix all the dressing ingredients in a bowl, season with salt and pepper. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and divide it over the coin. Great on a warm summer evening!
Tips from the author
This salad is shared by Chef Paul Geelhoed, Rossio restaurant, Delft, The Netherlands. Piel de Sapo Melons are also known as Spanish melons but are found in many places all over the world. The flesh is white, juicy and sweet. The skin is a mottled dark green. You can use other melon types for this salad too - like Honey dew, Canary Island Galia melons or rockmelons for this salad too! Serves 4 people as a starter.
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