10 pantry must-have ingredients
A well-stocked pantry is essential if you lead a busy life or if you just want to be more budget conscious. It means you can always prepare something (healthy) even when you have not had time to shop. It also nurtures your creativity. Creating something from nothing, by making a tasty meal from unexpected combinations.
Breakfast and lunch ingredients
A packet of oatmeal can be stored for a long time. You can use it to make delicious breakfasts such as overnight oats to which you can add nuts and fresh fruit. Crackers also keep well. Top with cheese and a slice of cucumber for a quick and appetizing lunch.
Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans are ideal salad ingredients. A nutritious option that is easy to combine with fresh ingredients and grilled or steamed vegetables.
Nuts and seeds are also handy to have on hand. Eat them for a healthy snack or include them with breakfast or sprinkled over a salad.
Dinner ingredients
Pasta, rice, couscous, and bulgur are all dry goods that keep for an extended period and which you can use as the basis for an evening meal, like a hearty salad for dinner.
Canned tomatoes, vegetables in jars and frozen vegetables (okay not literally in the pantry but an essential part of your stock!) ensure that you always have vegetables available. And frozen vegetables are in no way inferior to fresh produce. Use peas, spinach, pumpkin, and broccoli from the freezer with confidence. Frozen vegetables do not need to be defrosted first. Just pop them directly in the pan.
Store fresh potatoes in a dark place. Potatoes are extremely versatile; you can even prepare an omelet or frittata. Which leads me to the next ingredient that should not be missed in your pantry: eggs. Eggs are useful to have in the house to make many things from a Spanish tortilla to a salad Niçoise.
These are our pantry must-have tips. Would you add any ingredients to this list? Let us know in the comments.