Salad in a jar is an interesting concept and one that is gaining more traction as we look for healthy eating options on the run that include leafy greens such as spinach and kale. Dressing goes on the bottom, veggies and other salad goodies get piled on top. Everything stays separate and dressing-free until you toss the salad together in a bowl — never eat another soggy lunch salad again.
Salad smoothies have become everyday favourites too. I just love this banana and kale version inspired after my time in the Cayman Islands.
Wash then roughly chop the kale or other leafy greens, add remaining ingredients and blend together. Enjoy.
I added 1 tablespoon of moringa leaves (you can use 1 tsp moringa powder found in health food shops). Add other leafy greens like lettuce, spinach or chard and try swapping the banana for mango or watermelon.
Tips from the author
Nick Adendorff is an entreprenuer with a mission to make the people of Cayman healthier - one smoothie at a time. Working with local farmers to grow their fresh greens he supplies a range of smoothies delivered in returnable glass jars.
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