
  • 2 cups of fresh cooked shrimps
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped
  • 2 ripe avocado's

Dressing ingredients

  • 2 tbsp of mayonaise
  • 1 tbsp of yoghurt
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • 1 dash tabasco
  • 2 tsp whisky

Author of this recipe

Love My Salad

Love My Salad

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Avocados are a favourite ingredient in most countries and are often used in starters and salads, this Avocado Ritz salad is a classic recipe from the seventies. It's a tasty and good looking starter for a dinner party with friends. And you have less dish washing afterwards, because we serve our avocado ritz in the avocado fruit. 

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Halve avocado's and pull out the seed. Sprinkle with lemon juice if you don't want to serve them directly. 
Mix mayonnaise, yoghurt, lemon juice, tabasco, tomato sauce and whisky together.  
Toss the salad dressing with shrimps.
Spoon shrimp mixture into hollows of halved avocados and serve with fresh dill.

Tips from the author

Instead of shrimps use salmon and serve a poached egg on top of each avocado.

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