
Dressing ingredients

  • 1/2 spring onion
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 30 ml natural yoghurt

Author of this recipe



Amateur cook

I love colours and everything that is colourful.... Read more

For this to-go salad layer crisp romaine lettuce, pasta, peppers and tuna in a jar or other container and dress with a yoghurt dressing. The recipe was calculated for one person, but can be extrapolated as desired for the whole family or a picnic.

Total votes: 51


  • Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet and leave to cool.
  • Finely dice the sweet pepper.
  • Chop the romaine lettuce.
  • Drain the tuna.
  • For the dressing, cut the spring onion into rings and mix with lemon juice and yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Now layer all the ingredients in the jaro:  Half of the romaine lettuce, pasta, peppers, tuna and the other half of the romaine lettuce. Finally, pour the dressing on top.

Tips from the author

If you want to take the salad with you, it is best to put the dressing in a separate box and pour it over the salad just before serving.

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