
  • 450g mashed potatoes
  • 150g spinach
  • 1 bunch of radish (cut radish into quarters, roughly chop the rasdish leaves too)
  • 100 grams bacon strips
  • 1 small red onion
  • 20 grams mustard
  • Nutmeg

Author of this recipe



Grower / producer

Ortolanda is a statement in Italy, when we are talking about radish.A firm situated in Italy and managed by Dutch growers.An Italian company with a Dutch... Read more

This delicious version of a potato salad is sure to surprise you and your friends with the wonderful peppery flavour of stir-fried radish combined with spinach and crispy bacon. Enjoy!

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Boil then mash your potatoes with a little milk or butter.

Heat a frying pan and fry the bacon then add the sliced onion and cook until soft. Add the quartered radish and fry briefly followed by the mustard, the chopped radish tops (leaves) and the spinach. Stir through until the leaves are just wilted.

Finally, combine the stir-fry mixture and the mashed potatoes.

Serve with a little sprinkle of nutmeg and some fresh radish on the side.

Tips from the author

This salad can be served warm or prepared ahead of time and served cold as a delicious side dish.

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