
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 spring or salad onions (shallots)
  • 300g salted cod fish (you can buy in many grocery stores or specialist international food stores)
  • 2 eggs
  • Black olives (pitted)

Dressing ingredients

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt

Author of this recipe

Chef Orielo

Chef Orielo

Food blogger / food writer

I love using vegetables in my kitchen, which has a marked Read more

Granada Remojón (orange, onion and codfish salad) is a Moorish salad dating back to the Middle Ages, traditionally made in winter (since oranges are cool season fruits and rich in vitamin C which helped prevent winter colds! and the fish salted and stored), but now we can enjoy oranges almost any time of year! This salad is very common in the Andalusian provinces of Almería, Granada and Málaga (former Al-Andalus) and there are many variations.  

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1. Because the dry & salted cod fillets are very salty, to get the best result, you need to desalt them in a bowl of cold water and leaving in the fridge for 24 hours changing the water a couple of times during the day.

2. Cook the eggs in boiling water with vinegar for 10-12 minutes. Then shell and cut into quarters.

3. Peel oranges, slice into ​​thick bite-sized pieces.

4. Thinly slice the onion and slice the black olives. 

5. Grill the desalted cod fillets in a pan with a couple tablespoons of olive oil for a couple of minutes on each side. 

6. Put all the ingredients in a bowl or large sharing plate and season with salt, ground black pepper (optional) and a good splash of extra virgin olive oil.

Tips from the author

While the core ingredients are orange, onion and cod, I have added some black olives and boiled eggs. And of course a generous serve of extra virgin olive oil :) 

Please enjoy!

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