Health & Beauty
Bright colours stack on salading goodness
My challenge for you is to find the five most colourful seasonal salad ingredients you can get your hands on and create salading goodness to enjoy.
The bright redness of the capsicum, the cheerfulness of squash encased in yellow, the vibrant intensity of purple that you soak up when you cut a beetroot in half, or what about the deep rich tones of eggplant skin and pure greenness of spinach leaves.
According to experts the more brightly coloured the vegetable, the more protective the health benefits, thanks to a rich assortment of plant compounds called phytochemicals.
In fact the phytochemicals themselves give fruits and vegetables their distinctive colourings. And apparently nature gives fruit and vegetables their bright and enticing colours to attract us to what is good for us. Makes sense.
Get creative and enjoy eating fresh colours.
Join Louise on a journey through the seasons with salad ingredients, old traditions and popular, exotic or unusual vegetables. From Paddock to Plate founder, author, food writer, radio journalist & yoga teacher.